Christ Church seeks to address injustice and respond to human need through loving service. We seek to bring about positive change in the world, starting from our local community and aiming to reach many areas across the globe. We support charitable projects in both Scotland and abroad. We also have several Sundays throughout the year where the collection is dedicated to charitable causes both national and international.
Christ Church co-founded and continues to support the Eric Liddell Community, a base for a variety of charities and services in Edinburgh, such as care for those with dementia. We support Fresh Start, St Catherine’s Convent and Bethany, all working in Edinburgh with homeless people. Christ Church gives food weekly to St Catherine’s, there are ongoing collections of goods for Fresh Start, and we help to staff a Bethany night shelter at least once a year.
We have a team of pastoral visitors who offer support and connection for any of our members who wish it. Church contacts provide phone and e-mail support and contact within church and coffee, while pastoral visitors visit people in their own homes where necessary.