Throughout 2024-26 we will be celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary of Christ Church with a programme of special services and projects.
This three-year period from 2024 to 2026 marks the 150th anniversaries of the first meeting of the congregation in 1874, the laying of the foundation stone on Morningside Road in 1875, and the first service at Christ Church in 1876. Each of these milestones will be marked with a special festal service, details of which can be found below.
In addition to the celebratory worship, the Vestry of Christ Church has commissioned a series of projects designed to take Christ Church forward into the next 150 years of its life. Projects currently include the dais construction, font restoration, and proposed new choir stalls.
Sunday 8 September 2024
Festal Eucharist at 10am
with Rt Revd John Armes, Bishop of Edinburgh
Sunday 1 June 2025
Festal Evensong at 4pm
with Most Revd Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St Andrews & Edinburgh
Thursday 4 June 2026 - Corpus Christi
Festal Eucharist at 6.30pm
with Lord Williams of Oystermouth, Former Archbishop of Wales and Archbishop of Canterbury